Unit 3 of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) covers menu structures, design principles, and task analysis.
Menu structures
Single menus: No other menus follow, requiring additional user choices
- Hierarchical menus: Used when there are many relationships between menu options
- Connected menus: Give the user full control over the navigation flow
- Event-trapping menus: Provide background control over the system's state
Design principles
Shneiderman's eight golden rules of interface design: A set of guidelines for interface design
- Norman's seven principles of design: A set of principles for design, including the idea that the HCI cycle has execution and evaluation components
- Jakob Nielsen's ten usability heuristics for interface design: A set of heuristics for interface design
Task analysis
Focuses on understanding the user's goals, how they achieve them, and their personal, social, and cultural characteristics
- Considers the physical environment's influence on users
- Defines the performance of humans, not computers
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