7, ఫిబ్రవరి 2025, శుక్రవారం

Unit 2 class 2

identifiy the tasks

collect first all the requiremnets from the user

the devolopers

identify tasks


identified tasks must be agreed by the all devolopers ....final conform

succsfully staratiges  involues

long hours of observing & interviewing users


task frequences & sequences , what tasks to implement ......designers conform

if we implement all this cause the interface clutter

highlevel tasks    ....decompose into middle level tasks............atomic indudival actions

like   single commnad,  menu selection or other apporopriate manner

task large ->  divide samll  ,  special actions , 

frequent tasks      assign    functional keys   inser delete fashion

less frequent actions     with single letter    + del or ins ...............

3)infrequent  (or)   complex actions


sequence  of menu actions         or       form fill based

ex         printing format    in Os  ,             revice network protocols   ........latest

ex2     mobile user    frequent dail,     family    ,...................




choose an interactive style

direct manipulation                                       visual presentation for the world of actions

Explain about the diagram

Desktop metaphors

Drawing tools

Air traffic control systems ATC’s

games impel

*..........menu selection

Form fill in

Command language

Natural language  ..........command language, phrases, sentences as input

Explain the web form with verities of input..............

The eight golden rules   for interface design

Shneiderman's Eight Golden Rules of Interface Design

1. Strive for Consistency

2. Enable Frequent Users to Use Shortcuts

3. Offer Informative Feedback

4. Design Dialog to Yield Closure

5. Offer Simple Error Handling

6. Permit Easy Reversal of Actions

7. Support Internal Locus of Control

8. Reduce Short-Term Memory Load











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